Anna Gonzalez is a storyteller based in Chicago who uses her creative and administrative gifts to share stories through various projects including the Tethered Project. You can find her work at It Me Anna Mari. She describes her passion, “From paintbrush to pixels, I use the tools available to tell stories and make beautiful things. Taking inspiration […]

“I love amplifying stories that may otherwise not be told in creative & dynamic ways”


These ladies have so many roles but they’ve added biz builder to the mix with Zyia Active. We captured their team & moments to share their love of great active wear and building their businesses on their terms. The best vibe was how FOR each other they are! I had such a blast capturing them. […]

Building Community & Biz


Hi friends! I’m sharing a bit about my approach to partnering with organizations to capture & share your story with dignity, integrity, compassion, & excellence.

Storytelling for your organization


We are doing school like never before; remote or online learning has been required because of the current pandemic and so many of us have had to shift our lives in ways we never planned.  There is a lot of loss for students, teachers, parents, and community members but there are also amazing educators rising […]

“we are doing school like never before”


It is Juneteenth. Please read more from Jemar Tisby about why this should be a national holiday here. We celebrated today by learning more of the history, getting a treat (because kids celebrate with treats ALWAYS), watching the LIVE Free to Be with The Witness BCC today,and praying together. Lord, help us to raise our […]

“this is not enough” AND “I never thought I would see this in my lifetime”


Jasmine shared that what she most hoped to capture in our session was these 2 words; accomplishment & beauty. She embraces and embodies these words about herself. Her story thus far is one of true accomplishment & beauty! Her mentor through Foster Progress LaShawn reached out because she wanted to celebrate Jasmine with a Senior […]

Accomplishment & Beauty


“I want to influence those growing into the world. I want them to even be a better person than me and if I can do it through hair I will do it. “ -Shavonne Patterson Shavonne Patterson is a woman who immediately makes you welcomed into any space.  She lights up when she is working […]

“If can do it through hair I will do it”


Y’all- I am so excited to review this new corner of the web that Hawa Images calls home! Thank you for being here! There is a new website, a new logo- but really it is so much more- there is a new focus on serving YOU! I’m excited for this online space and I am […]

What I’ve been working on


I’m a racist & a hypocrite. My actions AND inactions have caused pain and perpetuated suffering.   God have mercy on me, a sinner. Friends, we must lament, repent, pray, learn, & act. I am not an important voice in anti racism (please elevate voices of BIPOC always) & I thought a lot about even sharing anything […]

God have mercy on me, a sinner.
